Learning is who we are

Learning is who we are. It's what we wake up with, it's what we dream about.

While we work on L&D projects within organizations, we also train the team at the same time. So that they can organize learning even better within their organization.

And while we do that, we can also learn every day ourselves. About learning. Because learning is so beautiful. Because learning is who we are.

If you pay attention, you can learn something every day.

Henriette Kloots

Learning is who we are

Pink Coat is a network organisation, headed by Henriëtte Kloots and supported by Mariëlle Elsing. Pink Coat believes in sustainable co-operations and strong partnerships in order to achieve the best possible results. Being the only independent international L&D consultancy organisation we can proudly say we are able and willing to work with any provider of learning solutions.

What we offer

  • Advice

  • Coaching

  • Training design

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Let's work on your exciting new project together!